
Hello beautiful friends!

I am absolutely thrilled to launch the Joyful Johnsons blog. Today is the day! This has been on my heart for several months – and now that I am stuck in bed after surgery (fun post about that later) I finally had the time to get it done.

What I hope to share with you here is to create a space of valuable perspective:

To make you laugh.

To make you feel connected.

To help you learn and grow with us.

I am so grateful to share this joy filled space with you!

Make sure to subscribe to our list below so you don’t miss all the fun I have planned for you – think travel tips, parenting wisdom, homeschooling & more!

I’d love to hear from you in the comment section THREE things that you are passionate about – or would love some insight on.

Life is a tremendous adventure full of ups, downs and everything in between. Let’s find the joy in it together!




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Lauren is a quirky ginger who has embraced her weirdness. Together with her husband Justin, they wrangle their 3 toddler boys while living a life full of adventure in Costa Rica!


  • Ashley Hahn Wiechman

    I’m passionate about:
    Family (including friends who become family)
    & Fun

    Loving others is my jam.
    Singing and writing are my favorite pastimes.
    I also rock at Wheel of Fortune and wordplay games.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful journey!

    • Lauren Johnson

      I love you so much friend! You are officially my first blog comment ever – that makes you even more special than you already were! 🙂

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