
What You Need for Newborn Twins to Make Your Life Easier

What you need for newborn twins

You or someone you love are having twins? CONGRATULATIONS! And welcome to the world of parenting multiples. You are probably wondering – “what do I need for newborn twins?” Many of the things you would need for a single baby apply, but special considerations come into play when there are 2 bundles of joy instead of one.

I’m not going to lie – raising twins is hard. Really hard. But here I am 3 years later and I survived. So will you!

In this post I am going to share 10 of my must have items that were essential for the first few months with newborn twins. Let’s face it – many well intended baby shower gifts are either not needed, not practical, or you get way too many of (blankets, anyone?).

If you are expecting twins – add these to your baby registry. They will make your life substantially easier as you navigate this new world of babies!

Twin Z Pillow

Twin Z Pillow

This is my number one you really need to have for newborn twins. Listen, I know the idea of paying $100 for a pillow seems, well, insane. But TRUST ME – we used this 7 days a week for at least the first 6 months. It multi functions as a breastfeeding pillow, tummy time prop up, or just a good place to put the babies so they don’t roll off the bed. Seriously. You can find this pillow here on Amazon and there’s a ton of colors.

Twin Bassinet

Twin Bassinet

Sleeping arrangements are hard to decide for any infant, but special challenges arise when you have two babies instead of one. The first few months after our twins were born, they slept in a twin bassinet like this one here. It also is multi functional as a diaper changing space – win win!

Stroller for Twins

Joovy Twin Stroller

A huge concern for a stroller with twins is – does it fit through a DOOR? This isn’t something you probably had to worry about if you were just having one baby at a time. This Joovy twin stroller is nice because the infant car seats can just snap into the frame. Joovy makes adapters for different brands of carseats, so you can choose the carseats you like to go with this stroller.

Swaddle Blanket with Zipper

Swaddle Sack with Zipper

Trust Lauren, Lauren loves you. Do not get swaddle sacks with velcro! They make a tremendous amount of noise and when you are trying to get one baby back to sleep after a 2 am diaper change, the last thing you want to hear is RIPPPPPPPPP with the velcro. These ones with zippers are so much better! All 3 of our boys loved these zipper swaddle sacks.

Johnson twins at a few weeks old

Bottle Holding Pillows

Baby bottle holding pillows

I know that breastfeeding vs bottle feeding is a hot topic amongst moms. My oldest son I nursed exclusively until he was a year old. The twins, well, we had some serious struggles. After they lost a ton of weight after birth and were not nursing well – I had to start feeding them formula. It killed my soul, but in the end it was what was best for the babies! They started gaining weight, sleeping better, and being happier humans.

That being said, when my twins were born I had a 22 month old son – YIKES! I never had enough hands to go around, especially after my husband went back to work. These bottle pillows were a LIFE SAVER and I cannot recommend them enough. These pillows are not meant for you to walk away as you are bottle feeding – but rather as an assistance for you to have some help in feeding 2 babies at the same time. Always make sure to watch and sit next to your babies when you are feeding them!

Sterilizing Bags

Sterilizing Bags

Every second and precious minute is valuable when you’re trying to wrangle newborn twins! These sterilizing bags were great for breast pump accessories, bottles, and other nursing things that needed to be sterilized. They can be reused many, many times!!

Ring Sling for Babywearing

Ring Sling for Babywearing

With my oldest son, I was a huge fan of baby wearing. It makes life easier by keeping your hands free, and baby happy by being close to mom or dad. There are tons of “twin specific” baby carriers out there, but to be honest I never used them! I only wore one baby at a time (whoever was the grouchiest at the time). These ring slings are really wonderful for the newborn days but will last up through larger babies and toddlers too!

White Noise Machine

White Noise Machine/Air Purifier

This is something that is still in my home 3 years later after my twins were born and we use every. single. day. Not only does this provide white noise that helps soothe babies and help them sleep better (from our experience), but this Germ Guardian air purifier cleans the air from germs, pollen, allergens, mold, odors and pet dander. Another dual purpose must have!

Swinging Glider or Rocker

Swinging Glider

With two babies at the same time comes you needing all the help you can get! With our twins, they did not care for swings or stationary bassinets during the day. They both love to glide in something automatic like this Glider here. We tried to convince ourselves we did not want to get something like this, but ended up buying them for our twins. We used them tons! There are many brands and styles out there, but you should look for one that takes up as little floor space as possible and has different swing/glide options. Every baby will have their preference so it’s good to have the options to find what they like the best (think – less crying).

Prepare Freezer Meals

The biggest blessing when we came home from our twins birth was having meals stocked in the freezer, as well as family and friends bringing us food for the weeks following their homecoming. You will seriously have no time to think about what to cook! Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If someone offers to come assist you, please say yes.

I just want you to know – you can do this! Looking back 3 years in the rearview mirror, I don’t know how I survived tackling the mountain of raising twins with a toddler already at home. But spoiler alert: we did survive, and so will you!

Your house will be a permanent disaster zone – but it’s ok. Embrace the chaos.

Don’t hesitate to reach out in the comments below with any questions on twin pregnancy, birth or parenthood! ~~Lauren

We used Amazon for our baby registry and loved our experience! Click here to start your free Amazon baby registry.

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Lauren is a quirky ginger who has embraced her weirdness. Together with her husband Justin, they wrangle their 3 toddler boys while living a life full of adventure in Costa Rica!

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