Costa Rica

What to Bring to Costa Rica for the Least Stress & Maximum Pura Vida Adventure

Traveling to Costa Rica? I bet you are ready to get your bags packed! Don’t stress about what to bring to Costa Rica. This article will show you 10 must have items for your vacation to enjoy the most Pura Vida possible. Take it from someone who has lived here for almost 4 straight months – these items will make your time so much more comfortable!

Playa Junquillal in Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Bug Repellant

Trust me when I say, do not miss this in your suitcase! I am a natural minded person who prefers to avoid chemicals, but after 4 months of living here I can say that from my experience, many of the natural remedies do not work to repel mosquitos and “no see ums” on the beaches of Guanacaste.

We use this Off family care for our 3 kiddos and on adults too, it works the best of any we have tried.

Bring your Sunscreen to Costa Rica!

Costa Rica is very close to the equator – so don’t miss your sunscreen! And please, avoid purfchasing it here. You will likely pay $13-$30 a bottle as the prices here are super inflated due to import taxes.

My recommendation (from a super pale Irish descendant human) is this Neutrogena dry touch sunscreen. It doesn’t breakout your skin, and has a dry touch so you don’t feel like a greased up skillet on your face.

Waterproof Bags

Waterproof bags will come in handy for your trip to Costa Rica. Heading to the beach? Chunk your phone and valuables inside one of these bad boys so your treasures don’t get ruined in the sand. Going white water rafting? These will waterproof your electronics. If you’re coming to Costa Rica in the rainy season, expect rain showers almost daily. I keep my important items inside these waterproof bags in my backpack to ensure they stay dry!

Reusable Water Bottle

Did you know you can drink the tap water in Costa Rica? Most areas of the country have safe to drink tap water, including where we live in Guanacaste province. (Make sure to check about the areas you’re staying to be safe). Bottled water is SUPER EXPENSIVE in Costa Rica. Save some money for your excursions instead by bringing a reusable water bottle with you. I recommend one that is BPA free, like this one here!

Cash with Change

Most areas in Costa Rica will accept USD as well as the local currency, Colones. Many stores however will not have change if you only have large bills! Make sure to bring USD with you and have some breakdowns of smaller bills as well as larger ones. I recommend getting something to keep your money safe and organized and safe from water, like these RFID proof pouches.

Sun Hat

You will for sure want a hat when you are outside in Costa Rica, away from the shade! The UV rays are super strong and you burn more quickly, plus a good hat with a wide brim will help protect your eyes. This particular one is what I wear almost every single day! It has held up well in the climate here and is quite comfortable.

Portable Battery

Power outages happen in Costa Rica. I recommend bringing a portable battery so you can charge your phone or electronics in case you have the electricity go out!

Flashlight. Your best friend!

It gets super dark at nighttime in Costa Rica. In many areas, there are no street lights like there are in other parts of the world. When the sun sets – you will want to have a good flashlight to help you see when you walk up to your residence for the evening so you don’t step on anything undesired (snakes, critters, rocks).

We hope this list of suggested items to bring with you to Costa Rica is helpful for your adventure!
Do you have other things you think would be helpful? Drop us a note in the comments!

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Lauren is a quirky ginger who has embraced her weirdness. Together with her husband Justin, they wrangle their 3 toddler boys while living a life full of adventure in Costa Rica!

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