
5 Simple Ways to Use Less Plastic

We all know that plastic is filling up our landfills, polluting our oceans and can take up to 1000 years to decompose.

There are a few simple changes you can start TODAY in your family to help reduce your consumption of plastic use!

Beeswax Wraps

Beeswax Wraps as Alternative to Plastic

This is a new way that I just recently discovered!

Ditch the plastic Saran Wrap and trade out for these beeswax food wraps – in our home we use them when we can’t find a Tupperware lid (frequent occurrence), to wrap up sandwiches, and more. Find these here on Amazon!

Reusable Water Bottle

Reusable Water Bottles to use less plastic

Instead of purchasing a new plastic bottle of water when you’re out and about, get you a nice reusable water bottle like this one from Brita. I love this one because it has a straw, which I find for me helps me to drink more water throughout the day. Stay hydrated for a happy mind & body!

Toothpaste Tablets

Toothpaste tablets can save tons of plastic

Think about how many plastic tubes of toothpaste you have used in your lifetime. Hint: it is a LOT! I recently discovered these toothpaste tablets. They come in a reusable metal tin that you can reuse for craft storage, etc. Totally plastic free! And they don’t taste like garbage, they are fluoride free and don’t have any nasty chemical junk.

Shampoo Bars

Shampoo is a product almost every single person uses – that adds up to a TON of plastic when you think about all the plastic bottles they usually come into. Enter – shampoo bars!

These are similar to a soap bar that you massage into your scalp, they lather up so nicely, then you wash your hair as normal. And bonus plus, no plastic involved. You can find some like these for all hair types here!

Laundry Detergent Sheets

Laundry Sheets to replace Plastic tub detergent

This is a new one for me also. I have eczema and very sensitive skin, so I have always had a difficult time finding laundry detergents that don’t make me breakout in a rash (same for my boys!).

Even the ones we used to purchase that were good for my skin came in gigantic plastic bottles, and most of the ingredients were WATER! I recently discovered these laundry detergent sheets – they wash my clothes beautifully, don’t irritate my skin, and they clean our very messy clothes (read – I have 3 toddler boys. Our home is full of dirt, stains and mess).

You can find these free and clear laundry detergent sheets here!

I would love to hear ways that you avoid plastic in the comments below!

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Lauren is a quirky ginger who has embraced her weirdness. Together with her husband Justin, they wrangle their 3 toddler boys while living a life full of adventure in Costa Rica!

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