Health & Wellness

All Purpose Cleaning Spray Recipe – Skip The Chemicals And Save Money!

I ditched the chemical cleaners a long time ago because frankly, they stink.

Not just the smell – but they are endocrine disruptors, allergy and asthma enemies, and overall just super bad for your health.

Having three little kids means our house is messy. I mean so messy that even when I clean all day, it still looks like a tornado went through our house.

At least cleaning can feel a little less troublesome when I make a homemade cleaner in a cute bottle!

All Purpose Cleaner DIY

We live in Costa Rica and it seems like EVERY CLEANER I have found has nasty scents and chemicals in it. So, I made my own recipe and of course wanted to share it with you!

Homemade Cleaning Spray

  • One part white vinegar
  • One part water
  • Sprig of fresh rosemary
  • Lemon or Lime rind
  • 2 drops tea tree essential oil (optional but it’s antibacterial)

It’s as easy as mix it all up, shake it up, let it sit to infuse the scent for a few days then it’s ready to go!

Use this DIY all purpose cleaning spray for:

  • Bathroom counters
  • Trashcans
  • Kitchen sinks
  • & more

DO NOT USE cleaners with vinegar on granite or marble countertops. I have been told that it can etch the stone and ruin the countertops, so this cleaning spray would be best not used on granite or marble.

Tea tree oil is our favorite cleaning agent while living in Costa Rica. It is a great mold and mildew fighter, antibacterial, antifungal, disinfecting oil. Make sure to keep this oil on hand at all times!

You can find empty spray bottles at most major stores, but I would opt for a glass one instead of plastic to reduce your plastic footprint for the earth. Amazon has some great ones here!

Glass spray bottles for your DIY all purpose cleaning spray

If you try out this DIY all purpose cleaning spray, give me a shout in the comments of how you like it!

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Lauren is a quirky ginger who has embraced her weirdness. Together with her husband Justin, they wrangle their 3 toddler boys while living a life full of adventure in Costa Rica!

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