How to make Coconut Milk

How to Make Coconut Milk

We have recently learned how to make coconut milk and what a perfect time to share what we have learned with you!

Living in Costa Rica has been such a treasure for so many reasons, but we especially love the abundance of fruits and vegetables year round.

You can make coconut milk anywhere in the world you have fresh coconuts! Ours cost around the equivalent of 50 cents in USD in the markets. Other times we get them for free when they fall from a tree here in Costa Rica!

From one single coconut, you can make:

  • Water from the Coconut
  • Coconut Milk
  • Flakes
  • Coconut bowl (if you’re ambitious and patient!)
Straining the Coconut Milk

How to Make Coconut Milk

Step one: First, stab a hole into the eye of the coconut. We do this with a metal straw! You can find some great metal straws here with Amazon:

Step two: Drink the coconut water out of the coconut, or shake the water out of coconut into a glass jar to save for later. It keeps a few days in the fridge with a lid!

Step three: Whack the coconut (great for taking out aggression and frustration) onto a concrete or otherwise hard surface until it cracks open, then use a knife or similar utensil to carve out the coconut meat. This is sometimes a tedious process but it gets easier the more you practice!

Step four: Throw the chunks of coconut meat into a blender with some warm water. You can play around with how much water you prefer to get a creamier or more lean coconut milk. Blend thoroughly for around 2 minutes, then using a fine mesh strainer, strain the liquid into a container and reserve the coconut pulp.

Step five: If you would like to make coconut FLAKES, then lay the coconut pulp out onto a cookie tray and spread evenly. This should dry on the countertop in around 24 hours depending on your climate.

Watch our Youtube video below for the video experience of how we make our treasures from coconuts!

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Lauren is a quirky ginger who has embraced her weirdness. Together with her husband Justin, they wrangle their 3 toddler boys while living a life full of adventure in Costa Rica!

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